all postcodes in RM13 / RAINHAM

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Postcode Area

RM / Romford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
RM13 9AA 56 12 51.518732 0.193829
RM13 9AB 33 2 51.519364 0.197074
RM13 9FW 6 0 51.520198 0.199103
RM13 9AD 32 0 51.520274 0.196858
RM13 9AE 1 1 51.516955 0.192173
RM13 9AG 21 0 51.520267 0.195892
RM13 9AH 71 0 51.517472 0.200485
RM13 9AJ 20 0 51.518878 0.199977
RM13 9AL 55 0 51.517353 0.199774
RM13 9AR 24 0 51.518862 0.197468
RM13 9AS 30 0 51.520545 0.197361
RM13 9AT 62 0 51.520539 0.19912
RM13 9AU 8 0 51.520289 0.200016
RM13 9AX 35 0 51.519917 0.199119
RM13 9AY 5 0 51.519203 0.199776
RM13 9BA 44 0 51.513891 0.19733
RM13 9BB 25 2 51.520057 0.201331
RM13 9BD 14 2 51.520006 0.200694
RM13 9BE 29 0 51.520387 0.202932
RM13 9BH 34 6 51.520115 0.203525